Friday 22 December 2017

Spoon Army Communique #1

Official Communique of the Spoon Liberation Army of Sao Paulo (In hiding)  

We of the S.L.A.S.P. (in hiding) congratulate Manager Nick Wheels of Sao Paulo Football Club for his efforts to guide this great club into Division 3 and for his loyalty in announcing he will stay another season to complete this great work.

Nick Wheels is not only a great manager of Sao Paulo, he is also an inspiration to its fans, it's citizens and to us, here in S.L.A.S.P.

He has unswerving sought to elevate the fortunes of both the club and its people. He has supported The Spoon Army unswervingly from its time on the terraces of the Morumbi, through the mass incarcerations by the corrupt fascist dictatorship of the previous military Government and now he honours the Spoon Army's metamorphosis into the social and political movement for justice for the Sao Paulo people.

We honour manager Wheels efforts & achievements both off and on the pitch and hope one day soon that we may be on the terraces, backing our Spoons with full revolutionary fervour, no longer an army in hiding.

Nick Wheels, you are now an honoury Commander in the Spoon Liberation Army of Sao Paulo.
May truth, glory and honour be your everlasting companions. May Spoons clatter wherever you walk.

Viva Paulista!!


Juarez Tavora,
Patricia Galvao,
Luis Carlos Prestes

Regional Commanders

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