Sunday 3 December 2017

On the third day of Christmas

Top100.  3rd Day of Christmas.

Worth or value of players in real life and top 100 is very much in the news as always. In SM it really is like Christmas , as giving is seen as much more important than receiving. 

Think to yourself though, which presents are most important to you?
The present you want.
The cost of the present.
The present with the highest status symbol.
The present you get from the people you love.
The present you give to those you care for.
Or simply the one, which changes peoples, lives in the most positive way.

Certainly the present you want as child can be the burning desire up and until you open the present. You then use it for a bit and then get fed up with it, really you would have preferred something else, all the hype, really was just hype.  Then you get your mum to take it back and get some vouchers in exchange. A bit like ISCO in soccermanager. We all want ISCO, many of us have bought ISCO but soon get fed up with him and return him to Real Madrid who give us a couple of voucher players in exchange before flogging him off again 3 months down the line.

Cost, well that’s a bit ephemeral these days.  Cost could be the number of pounds, or the effort put in to earn the pounds, or the long-term effect of paying off those payday loans at 300% interest. The average child gets £150 of presents, although the median value is substantially less, since some are getting £1000’s spent on them.  Until this season Marco Reus was the biggest and most expensive player in Top100 (obviously multi part deals aside). Was he worth around 40Million? Well he seems not to score that many and if he were not loved by the Christmas elves of Sm would be rated at least 4 lower.  I suppose Benfica will be the judge of that.

An Iphone X , really £1000, can’t do much more than my mass-produced Android phone that costs £60 . What is the must have kids toy this year , mine are a bit older these days,. I think it is a Nerf gun, a BB 8 and a game called toilet trouble , which is often a problem for us older gents.  So in top 100 it must be Ronaldo or Messi.  Well Messi is worth a goal per game, on top of what the rest of the team do,.  Ronaldo half that , so I know who I would prefer at the moment,.

The present you get from those you love, well they really can choke you up in one of 2 ways. Either they are a real tearjerker,  your son gets you a bottle of Old Spice, despite the fact that you never use a razor.  Your wife gives you a best dad mug , even though you didn’t know she was pregnant. On the other hand, how long are you going to wear the paisley tie from your daughter and when can you put the bottle of horrible wine from your Aunty in the bin..  The best SM analogy I can get is Frank when he has the task of reallocating clubs at the start of each season. Some will love the present they get , others, less so ….

I return to the theme of giving and not receiving. What is your thought process. I must get XYZ for the good lady ,  my daughter will really like/ deserves this.   Or it won’t matter , anything from me will do for them.  If it is the last , you really have a great relationship with those you love.  At times we all try to help the small clubs out in Top 100 , don’t we ? Either a great loan player , deliberately paying a little over the top , or buying that player they think is a really great prospect but you know is pants to give them a leg up.

It doesn’t have to cost a penny to help people out, sometimes a friendly word of advice,  a hug, a hand up is all people need. Or it need not cost a lot.  In my job I see great things. The people I work with put together  small shoe boxes full of bits and bobs that people will find useful , which that can’t otherwise afford. Soap , pasta,  sanitary products,  a simple make up set,  shampoo, a towel, a fresh pillowcase. Cans of food etc. Not so that the givers can feel good and think they have done their moral duty. Many of the “ givers “ are not rich in the slightest and have a tough life themselves but are aware that there is almost certainly someone worse off than himself or herself.  That is where the Top100 community wins out over any other gameworld, you look at the money raised for Beddow’s football team , the kind words offered when someone announces a happy event or the genuine messages of regret when someone suffers a loss.

I’ve had 10 festive seasons with soccermanager and I wish you all , all the best and hope this great community carries on in the way that it has so far.

1 comment:

  1. Quality post Malcolm, loved the 'Your wife gives you a best dad mug , even though you didn’t know she was pregnant' line
