Sunday 10 December 2017

Beddows speaks with the media ahead of BIG Derby

This evening after Milan beat Sampdoria 1-0 to match on Beddows sat down with reknowned Italian journalist Cesare Tagliatelle to discuss Thursday's upcoming Milan Derby. 


Cesare Tagliatelle was never really "cut out" to interview the idiots of T100 as it was seen in an interview back in July with Inter boss Alex Mclean - so today he was invited to interview the greatest man in Milan - Beddows as part of Gazetta dello Sports run up to the Milan derby this Thursday - a game which could ruin Mclean's season or save it? And likewise ruin Beddows' or define it - it will be a simple match of 90 
minutes on Thursday but the build up appears to be one of the most brutal build-ups in T100 history. (Cesare last interview with Mclean)

Tagliatelle: "Good Evening Stephen, so nice to meet you - well done on another 3 points tonight!"

Beddows: "Why thank you Mr Tagliatelle, it was a professional performance as ever and we took some risks with the changes we made but thankfully my plan paid off and they will all be 100% fit for the big game on Thursday."

Tagliatelle: "Mclean lost again tonight - two in a row - he surely will not lose against Milan as well?"

Beddows: "I also feel the same - surely a manager with a track record as his - 55th trated manager in T100 - over 100 games managed and only 1 worthless T100 trophy to show will be no match for me? But the world works in strange ways and Mclean will come out fighting - of this I have no doubt but we will be ready - a draw for us will not be enough - we want automatic promotion back to the promised land - we will not play to draw like he does!"

Tagliatelle: "I saw reports of Mclean this evening having a Keegan style breakdown in his postmatch interview- what do you make of this?"

Beddows: "Yes - I saw this - he went into total meltdown - it is clear he cannot manage failure again and clearly the pressure of underachieving at Inter AGAIN is getting to him - what did he say again exactly...?"

Tagliatelle: "He said and I quote... 'i'll tell you something, i'd love it if we beat them!"

Beddows falls from his seat in fits of laughter - has to be helped back up by the film crew... Beddows clearly finds Mcleans breakdown highly amusing...

Beddows: "It is clear that the man is either (1) jetlagged, (2) completely off is rocker or (3) jealous of my talents..." 

Tagliatelle: "Either way his current state resembles a lost boy trying to escape from neverland - he will never escape it seems!"

Beddows: "I try to avoid his mind games if I am honest - I will be preparing my players to ensure we are 100% ready next Thursday - it is crucial that we focus 100% on delivering another 3 points. 5 games to go and it is in our own hands - we can't ask for more than that!"

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