Thursday 14 January 2016


Please click READ MORE as TOP 100 Real Madrid Manager, Roy Keane, releases extracts from his daily diary which will make up a future publication about his life.

Thursday 14th January 2016 - The Beginning
Dear Darlin (Diary),
Hi diary, may I call you Alex, yes Alex I like that name... well this is where I intend to write down my inner-most thoughts about SM Top 100 - today eh... well it has been eventful in Top 100 - Nuno seems like his days are numbered after he picked up another kid, Fran Villabla (one I sold, even I am not a genius), Little's Youth team demolished Tottenham 3-0 in the youth cup and my old pal from EC2, Linder has come along to join the party, I hear he is a decent writer himself and we are looking forward to hearing about his adventures in Germany, speaking of which Alex I have decided to cut and stick this picture of The Linder that he did for the Hoffenheim Times this morning...
The Linder
Anyway let me tell you all about how I, Keano came to be at the Bernabeu in Top 100... it all began in August, Franco called me into his office in Shitpool, I took my helicopter, reluctant to leave my Vauxhall Corsa anywhere in that place and he told about this great idea for a gameworld and how he wanted me to be a part of it... Natrually I was keen, but then he told me of how he wanted me to be Sunderland manager...
"Sunderland, are you having a laugh... Sunderland is so flipping dead as a team and a place than there is more life left in Jimmy Saville?" I almost stormed out and flew back to Orient in Gold 1 there and then... Frank must have realised as such and had already arranged for his Scouse mates to nick the helicopter which left me at a loss so we discussed terms of how I would get Real Madrid in return for Frank's failure to keep my helicopter safe and he would have to have Genoa instead of Real... deal done the rest was history so to speak.
I naturally won the Top 100 Shield in my first season but due to some 'shit' refereeing came 2nd in the league and lost in the SMFA Champions Cup final... buy you know what you can't win everything every season, this season I intend to win it all!
That's all from my diary this week if you like it then I will be back every time there are 5x separate contributors to the blog...

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